Young Living 治療級數精油


Essential oils offer many of the same benefits to pets as they do to people.

  • Support the immune system  支持免疫系統
  • Bring balance to the mind and body 帶來平衡身心
  • Help heal  injuries  幫助治愈受傷 
  • Offer  natural cleaning options 提供天然清潔方案
  • Vita-Flex points are found on many animals, even dogs:

As with humans, it is imperative that only the purest essential oils are used on your pets.   I have listed just a few of the many uses for pets taken from oils in the Everyday Oils Collection.  These uses are recommendations from Dr. Mary Hess, DVM.  Dr. Melissa Shelton is also a DVM who has published the first Animal Desk Reference, an essential for any pet owner seeking alternative therapies.

Lemon essential oil:  Used to increase awareness in training or cognitive issues.  It is an anti-parasitic and can be combined with others safely, excellent for skin conditions.  Use topically, diffused or ingested.

Lavender essential oil:  Use for injuries while hiking or riding. Gentle but anti-infectious.  When combined with peppermint, healing is increased and infection and pain is decreased.  Repels parasites and calms nervous system.  May be helpful for masses and tumors.

Frankincense: Safer, gentle oil that is a favorite for smaller pets and birds.  Used in every aspect of pet care: wounds, tumors, behavior, infections, bacteria and fungal control. Dilution recommended with lavender.

Peppermint: Use with PanAway for any injury. Most used oil for overheated horses and dogs, provides cooling quickly. Used on long hikes, placing a drop in water for internal cooling. Peppermint must be diluted for cats, 1 part oil to 4 parts vegetable oil

Purification: Use for parasites such as fleas, ticks and mosquitos for dog and horse. Dilute 75% for cats. For birds, mist the cage with oil instead of applying directly to the bird.

Valor: Useful for all pets for fear, behavior and training. Especially useful for pet rescue. Use for skin masses, itching, allergies and infections. Diffuse or apply topically. Place around collar or leash.

Peace & Calming: Main calming blend of this collection. Use for fear, anxiety, behavior problems, car rides, excitement. Builds confidence.

PanAway: Best oil blend for injury. Can be used with cats if diluted. Used for urinary issues, osteo-arthritis pain, dental extraction or post surgery. Use topically in warm compresss, in raindrop technique or vita-flex points on feet.

Thieves:  Strongest anti-infectious blend in this collection. Can be used on all pets if diluted properly. Provides significant pain relief, particularly for dental problems. Has anti-parasitic properties, especially for ticks. Can be used topically to location of injury, vita-flex, raindrop, or internally.  Diffuse

Using essential oils on pets is similar to people as there are precautions you should take.  Because pets are much smaller, essential oils should be diluted more than for an adult person.

Dilution guidelines:  when in doubt contact your DVM.

Horses require minimum to no dilution ( 1 drop essential oil in 1 tsp carrier oil to help disperse)

Dogs:     0-25lbs – 75% dilution (1 drop essential oil to 4 drops carrier oil)

26-45lbs -50-75%

46-75lbs – 50%

76-90lbs – 25-50%


+150lbs – 0-25%

Cats, ferrets, rabbits, reptiles – 75-90%

Birds & Amphibians – 90-95% or hydrosols (1 drop essential oil mixed with water in 8 ounce spray bottle)


